Between you and every decision in the Bundestag

there is only one person.
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Elected. Randomly Selected. Together. Electoral District Councils for Democracy.

Who knows his/her deputies in the Bundestag? How often do we come into real contact with politics? How do members of parliament get a good picture of what concerns people in their Electoral District? And how can politicians meaningfully incorporate the opinions of many different people into their decisions? 

These questions are at the heart of the Hallo Bundestag project.

Gelost Keyvisual

The idea of Hallo Bundestag: randomly selected people from all parts of society develop solutions for politics.

Why draw lots? Ten reasons

Zeichenfläche 1 Kopie 14@2x

Electoral Districts at a glance

Info for people selected

"I'm glad I took part. This is exactly the closeness to the people that is still missing in Germany."
Till G., participant
"Hello Bundestag shows how politics can succeed when everyone is at the table and it's not just reserved for the committed."
Canan Bayram, Member of the Bundestag (B90/The Greens)
Canan Bayram Kopffoto 2021 Mittel SNP1943 DIN A1 3
HB Alle Wahlkreise

North, West, South, East, City, Country.
Electoral Districts of Hallo Bundestag at a glance

Who is behind it?

Es geht LOS works independently of parties to ensure that randomly selected people from all parts of society can have a say in politics.

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How we reach out to people for politics