The topics

First phase
In the first phase citizens discuss the relationship between federal politics and the electoral district at the six Electoral District Days. What role do members of parliament play in the electoral district? Which federal policy issues are of particular importance in the electoral district? What should change in an electoral district reform, and what should be retained?
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In addition to these substantive questions, themes were identified for the upcoming Electoral District Days that, from the participants' perspective, will play a significant role in the future of the electoral district. Discussions also focused on how the exchange between selected participants and Members of Parliament at the Electoral District Day can enrich political work. The MPs noted specifically what they would take away from the Electoral District Day.
The full title of the first six Electoral District Days was: "Our Electoral District, Our Bundestag – How Can We Strengthen the Relationship Between People and Politics?"
Here’s the accompanying booklet for the first phase.
Second phase
The vote of the participants during the workshop on topic selection at the closing event of the first phase determined that: In the second phase, six Electoral District Days focused on the relationship between the state and the individual. Participants discussed with their electoral district MPs about rights and responsibilities: What are the duties of the state, and what conditions must it establish? On the other hand, where is (more) responsibility and engagement from citizens needed to bring this framework to life?
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Participants shared their personal experiences and, based on this foundation, developed proposals to reshape the relationship between the state and the individual. The MPs contextualized these proposals within political frameworks and provided insights into how their personal understanding of the state and individual motivates their political actions.
The full title of the Electoral District Days in Phase Two was: "The State and Us – A Give and Take?"
Here is the accompanying document for the second phase.
Third phase
In the third phase, the MPs from the electoral districts were able to propose a topic for their Electoral District Day. Below is an overview of the topics discussed in each electoral district:
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Electoral District Day Roth: "A mandatory year of service – an important experience for everyone or too great an intrusion on personal freedom?"
Electoral District Day Berlin-Steglitz-Zehlendorf: "All on board! – What matters when shaping the future of mobility?"
Electoral District Day Erfurt-Weimar-Weimarer Land II: "Who pays for climate protection? Between the debt brake and intergenerational justice."
Electoral District Day Berlin-Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg – Prenzlauer Berg East: "I’ve earned this! How do we create a fair pension system now and for the future?"
Hagen – Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis I: "Your democracy, your influence: How can we strengthen our political voice?"
In the electoral district of Flensburg-Schleswig, there was no separate Electoral District Day in the third phase. Instead, former participants from the first two Electoral District Days met with their directly elected MP and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Robert Habeck, to discuss district-related issues.
At each of these stages, the results are documented and prepared for dissemination to elected officials.

How does a Electoral District Day work?
Electoral Districts at a glance

Who is behind it?
Outreach Random Selection Method