Between you and every decision in the Bundestag

there is only one person.
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Elected. Randomly Selected. Together.

  • What does representation mean within our political system?
  • Who actually knows their representatives in the Bundestag?
  • How often do we truly engage with politics?
  • How can society’s trust in politics be strengthened?
  • How can spaces for democratic representation be fostered?
  • And how can politicians meaningfully incorporate the diverse perspectives of the public into their decisions?

These questions lie at the heart of the Hallo Bundestag project.

The Electoral District Day finds answers to those questions.

Eine Grafik mit diversen Menschen im Austausch und einem Fragezeichen in der Mitte

Within the project „Hallo Bundestag" ...

were identified for the project in order to carry out the “Electoral District Day” format. Three Electoral District Days were held in each electoral districts (with the exception of constituency 1, where only two were held). The electoral districts were selected to reflect the diversity of the 299 Bundestag constituencies with regard to different criteria and at the same time allow comparisons to be made. In order to be able to draw generalizable electoral districts for the continuation of the format, it was important to us, for example, to include structurally weak and strong, rural and urban electoral districts in the project. We also paid attention to the distribution of parties in the Bundestag, gender parity and regional coverage (north, east, south, west).

-> Find out more about the constituencies

have attended at least one Electoral District Day in their respective constituency or taken part in other events in the project. The majority of them took part in two or three Electoral District Days in the project. All members of a constituency are invited to a constituency day - regardless of whether they were elected directly or via a list. 

The evaluation of the project shows that the majority of MPs are in favor of institutionalizing the format – because they rarely talk to such a diverse group about complex and sensitive issues in a protected and constructive setting.

Two MPs in Berlin left the Bundestag after the repeat elections in Berlin in February 2024 and thus the project.

took part in an Electoral District Day in their constituency – 307 adults and 105 young people between the ages of 12 and 18. The random selection was carried out using the Outreach Participation Method. The data was requested from the civil registers of the municipalities in the respective electoral districts. 

were held in the six electoral districts. On an Electoral District Day, approximately 25 randomly selected individuals meet with their members of the Bundestag to discuss a politically relevant topic, identify issues, and collaboratively develop ideas. -> How does an Electoral District Day proceed?

were addressed during the Electoral District Days. In the first two project phases, the same topic was discussed across all electoral districts. In the third phase, representatives could choose the topic they wanted to discuss with the randomly selected group. -> More about the topics

Gelost Keyvisual

The idea of Hallo Bundestag: randomly selected people from all parts of society develop solutions for politics.

"I'm glad I took part. This is exactly the closeness to the people that is still missing in Germany."
Till G., participant
"Hello Bundestag shows how politics can succeed when everyone is at the table and it's not just reserved for the committed."
Canan Bayram, Member of the Bundestag (B90/The Greens)
Canan Bayram Kopffoto 2021 Mittel SNP1943 DIN A1 3
HB Alle Wahlkreise

North, West, South, East, City, Country.
Electoral Districts of Hallo Bundestag at a glance

Who is behind it?

Es geht LOS works independently of parties to ensure that randomly selected people from all parts of society can have a say in politics.

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How we reach out to people for politics